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by Matt Zimmerman

Updated March 22, 2023

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I read every incoming message, but I will likely not respond to ZimmWriter questions that are not install and setup related. I simply do not have enough time to answer everyone’s questions, which are often very similar.

So if you have a question that is not install and setup related, then try asking it in the ZimmWriter Facebook group. It’s a community of amazing AI enthusiasts who can probably answer you faster than I could. Here is the group link.

What is a question unrelated to install and setup? Here are a few examples:

  • When is the Mac version coming out?
  • Can you add this feature _______ ?
  • How can I do _______ with ZimmWriter?
  • What version of GPT does ZimmWriter use?
  • Can ZimmWriter use languages other than English?
  • How can I shorten the length of content output by ZimmWriter?
  • Do I need an OpenAI account?
  • How do I let my VA use ZimmWriter?
  • Etc.
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