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ZimmWriter Secret Training

by Matt Zimmerman

Updated February 16, 2025

Note: If you are on a previous version of ZimmWriter, then follow this guide to upgrade. In addition, if you are attempting to run ZimmWriter on Mac using Crossover, Parallels, Wine, or a VPS then here is a link to the alternate version which uses a zimmwriter.exe file instead of a start.bat file.

ZimmWriter Training Academy

It is very easy to create an account, get it funded, and generate API keys using OpenAI.

Here is a getting started video:


I want to help solve your issue. My goal is perfect customer service. But please realize that it's just me. I have no support team behind me; I have a 9-5, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful wife.

So before you reach out to me for help, please try these steps:

  1. Read the instructions file located inside the ZimmWriter zip file. It answers a lot of issues that you might be having.

  2. Watch the onboarding video (the first video on this page up top).

  3. Join the Facebook group and ask for help. Here is the link to the group.

  4. Contact me if you still need help getting ZimmWriter started. But please only reach out if you can't get it started and not for feature requests.

Why does ZimmWriter sometimes stop writing an article and give an error, especially when the OpenAI status indicator shows green?

Even though it doesn't make sense, OpenAI's status indicator only seems reliable if there is some massive problem at their backend. So even though it's green, OpenAI might be throwing errors.

Back to ZimmWriter. As it's writing your blog post and it gives you an error message in the middle of writing, 98% of the time, it's because OpenAI is throwing errors. ZimmWriter will retry OpenAI twice, but if it still gets an error, it will abort and stop writing. You probably don't want a half-finished article so it doesn't return the output.

The above applies to 1-click writing, SEO writing, and Bulk writing.

As an extra addendum to bulk writing, at the first sign of trouble from OpenAI (e.g., error on article #4 out of 10), it will abort and not risk spending tokens on writing further articles. You should at least get an output with your articles #1-3 written and stored in the directory.

TLDR: When ZimmWriter gives you an error while writing your blog post, it usually means a problem at OpenAI HQ, even though their status indicator may show green. The best advice is to wait it out for an hour or two.

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