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ZimmWriter SEO Blog Writer Exhaustive Guide

by Matt Zimmerman

Updated February 26, 2024

The SEO Blog Writer inside ZimmWriter is designed to help you write bespoke content aimed at ranking higher on google.

Unlike the Bulk Blog Writer, the SEO Blog Writer lets you take a surgical approach to writing content exactly how you want.

Blog Post Title

The blog post title is, well, the title of your blog post.

For best results, make it simple. Usually a keyword that you retrieved from SEMRUSH, Ahrefs, or some other keyword research software.

Examples of simple blog post titles:

  • How to Wash a Dog
  • 15 Tricks to Get Into College with Bad Grades
  • Best Places to Vacation in Canada

All of these examples are good blog post titles for ZimmWriter because they eliminate extraneous information.

Examples of blog post titles which are confusing for the AI or contain extraneous information:

  • Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Dog: Best Tips for 2023
  • What Your High School Didn’t Tell You: 15 Tricks for Getting Into College with Bad Grades
  • Places in Canada

The first example, ‘Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Dog: Best Tips for 2023,’ has a ton of unnecessary info. It’s filled with stuff that might give you bad results. So it’s better to simplify the blog post title to something like ‘how to wash a dog.’ But of course, after the AI generates the article, you’re free to re-title it however you like.

The second example, ‘What Your High School Didn’t Tell You: 15 Tricks for Getting Into College with Bad Grades,’ is also a good example of a blog post title with too much filler that doesn’t help the AI.

The third example shows a blog post title that’s confusing for the AI because it doesn’t have a clear direction. The AI definitely knows about places in Canada. But what direction do you want the article to go? Do you want the AI to write about ‘places in Canada [not to visit],’ ‘places in Canada [with the highest poverty levels],’ or ‘places in Canada [to visit on vacation]?’ I hope you get the point.

Finally, just a heads up – if you put a number in your title (like “15 Tips for Surviving High School”), the AI won’t automatically write out that many tips unless you also set 15 as the number of H2 subheadings (see below).

Global Background

The global background box lets you give the AI around 1,000 words of background info on your blog post topic. It’s meant to help teach the AI stuff it doesn’t know, not for adding prompts or directions for the AI that you want it to follow.

When should you use the global background? It depends. Global background is best for topics the AI does not know a lot about. Some examples of unknown topics include:

  • Niche subjects
  • Products
  • Current events
  • Business specific information
  • Anything else the AI does not have deep knowledge about

How Does the Global Background Section Work?

So, let’s say you feed 1,000 words into the global background. In that case, the global background works two ways:

First, if and when you hit Option 3 to generate your H2 subheading data, ZimmWriter takes that global background and feeds it to the AI. It mixes this with your blog post title and any H2/H3 titles from the competition you’ve entered to create as many H2 subheadings as you’ve specified.

Second, when writing your blog post, ZimmWriter uses the global background while writing every H2, H3, and H4 section. It also comes into play when the AI is crafting the introduction, conclusion, and auto-keywords for each subsection, among other things.

This means that if you use a large global background and a bunch of H2, H3, or H4 items, or auto-keywords, your costs can skyrocket, especially if you’re using Davinci or GPT-4.

I recently made an article with about 60 subheadings, auto keywords, a 1,000-word global background, and used Davinci. The price? Over $5! I believe that using GPT-4 might’ve cost me $15!

URLs in the Global Background for Scraping

Instead of copying up to 1,000 words into the global background section, you can paste up to three URLs instead.

ZimmWriter will visit each URL and summarize the content on the webpage. It’s a quick and easy way to create a relevant background section for a topic the AI might not be familiar with.

After entering your URLs, just hit Option 3 or the “Scrape URLs Only” button at the bottom of the SEO Blog Writer menu. ZimmWriter will start processing each of the URLs and paste the summary into the global background box when it’s done.

Just keep in mind that ZimmWriter will stop scraping URLs once the global background hits 1,000 words.

Why Does the AI Repeat Itself When Using the Global Background?

The global background isn’t a magic bullet.

So, you’re asking the AI to write a bunch of subsections (like H2, H3, H4) on a topic it barely knows about, just based on your global background, huh? What do you expect?

Picture this: you’re in a room with the AI, holding a gun to its head, forcing it to write about that subject. I get it, you’re not that type of person… or are you?

In reality, you kinda are.

Making the AI write about something it doesn’t know, while under pressure, is asking for trouble. It starts making stuff up, hallucinating, repeating itself, and so on. Maybe it thinks if it does a good job, you’ll be pleased and put the gun down. Who knows?

In short, the more unfamiliar the AI is with a topic, the less it’ll be able to say before it starts making stuff up or repeating itself. So, while there’s no hard and fast rule, I reckon the following could be a decent guideline:

Known Topic?Length of BackgroundRecommendationRepetition Chance with 1,000 Word Background?
Very Unknown1,000 words global background3-4 short length H2 sectionsLow
Somewhat Unknown1,000 words global background3-4 medium length H2 sectionsMedium
Very Well Known1,000 words global background3-4 medium length H2 sectionsLow
Very Well Known1,000 words global background+10 medium length H2 sectionsHigh

Note that if you also add a custom background for a H2, H3, or H4, then you reduce repetition chances and increase the potential for high quality output.

Number of H2 Subheadings

With this option, you can choose how many H2 subheadings you’d like in your article.

Don’t worry if you add more H2 subheadings after you’ve already filled your H2, H3, H4 with content – it won’t erase the existing subheading data.

However, keep in mind that if you remove any H2 subheadings, you’ll permanently delete any data in the ones you’re getting rid of.

Setting Subheading Data

The next option in ZimmWriter allows you to choose how to generate your H2 subheadings. Let’s explore each option in depth.


You won’t find a “manual” option.

What this means is that you can input and edit your H2 by hand, if you’d like. Yeah, it’s obvious, but some folks forget this option when they see all the fancy AI stuff. So, just keep that in mind.

Option 1: Copy from the Clipboard

Option 1 uses the clipboard data to populate your H2 (and optionally H3, H4).

For example, copy the following to the clipboard (e.g., highlight all the text and press CTRL C) and press Option 1 inside ZimmWriter:

Understanding Google's ranking algorithm
Keyword research and optimization
Creating high-quality, engaging content
On-page optimization
Building backlinks
Analyzing and tracking performance
Staying informed on SEO best practices

ZimmWriter will take that list of items and convert them into H2s.

What if you want some H3 and H4 too?

In that case, prepend your H3 with one “-” and your H4 with two “-“. For example:

Understanding Google's ranking algorithm
- Key factors in Google's algorithm
-- Relevance
-- Authority
-- User experience
- Importance of staying up-to-date with algorithm updates
Keyword research and optimization
- Identifying target keywords
-- Using keyword research tools
-- Analyzing competitor keywords
- Incorporating keywords in content
-- Title tags
-- Meta descriptions
-- Headers and subheaders
-- Body text
-- Image alt tags
- Avoiding keyword stuffing
Creating high-quality, engaging content
- Understanding user intent
- Addressing user needs and pain points
- Developing a content strategy
-- Blog posts
-- Infographics
-- Videos
-- Case studies
- Ensuring content is well-structured and easy to read

Option 2: Generate H2 Using Only AI

Option 2 solely relies on AI to create H2 subheadings based on your blog post title and the specified number of H2 subheadings you want.

Keep in mind, the AI model used for generating your H2 subheadings is the one you choose from the dropdown at the bottom of the SEO Blog Writer menu. So, you could technically use GPT-4 (provided your account has access) to generate the outline, and then switch to GPT 3.5 Turbo for writing the article.

Option 3: Generate H2 Using the AI + Global Background + Competitor H2/H3

Option 3 not only uses AI to generate H2 subheadings like Option 2, but it also considers your global background data and any competitor H2/H3 data you’ve entered.

Just like in Option 2, the AI model selected at the end of the SEO Blog Writer menu is used to create these subheadings.

Keep in mind that OpenAI has a word count limit for the data ZimmWriter can feed into it. So, if you include both global background and competitor headings, some data might be trimmed to fit within that limit.

As mentioned earlier, any URLs in the global background section are automatically scraped when you hit the Option 3 button.

One last thing I need to mention is proper use of the H2/H3 Titles input box. I’ve seen many people use it wrong, so I need to set the record straight. Here’s how you should fill it out:

  1. Find 5-20 competitors who are ranking for your keyword.
  2. Gather a list of their H2 and H3 titles.
  3. Clean up the titles, removing ones that aren’t relevant to your keyword.
  4. Paste the final list into the input box.

It’s crucial to follow these steps, as it’ll provide you with higher quality H2 subheadings. The AI looks for common themes and tries to pick out the most common headings.

Unfortunately, some folks just type in keywords they want to rank for in the box, which is totally the wrong approach. They’d be better off using a global background to generate the titles or going with Option 2.

Secret Subheading Variables

While you can’t use the Custom Outline feature with the SEO writer (that would defeat the purpose), you can use {list}, {table}, {yt}, {voice_1ps}, {voice_1pp}, {voice_2p}, {voice_3p}, {voice_pro} with your subheading titles. Make sure to read about the variables in the custom outline guide.

You can also use a {cta} variable when you specify a URL to scrape for a subheading. Note that it’s not necessary to use {cta} on a subheading if you have already enabled the trigger product layout for that subheading. Also note that you must provide a URL in the URL to scrape box to get a call to action. However, it is not necessary to scrape the URL to get the call to action. So outside of the box use cases are possible.

You can also use custom prompts with each individual subheading. All you have to do is append the your custom prompt name (e.g., {cp_suess}) to the end of the subheading title for your H2,3,4.

As for usage in the SEO writer, if “Tricks to Get More Backlinks” is your H2 subheading, and you want the AI prompted to make a list, you can change it to “Tricks to Get More Backlinks{list}” which will prompt the AI to generate a list for that subheading.

Note: Using variables will disable that corresponding checkbox and therefore automatic insertion elsewhere in your article. So for example, when you add “{list}” to a subheading, on the backend, the “enable lists” checkbox will cease to function.

Enable Subheading Background

Turning on the subheading background option creates various additional input areas for each subheading.

Subheading Option – Trigger Product Layout

The first option that is created after enabling subheading background a “trigger product layout” checkbox.

So what does trigger product layout do and when should you select it?

Well, you’ll want to select this option when your subheading title is a product name. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re writing a blog post titled: Best BBQ Grills

Your first H2 is also titled: Best BBQ Grills

Your first H3 is titled: Weber Original Kettle Premium Charcoal Grill

When you trigger the product layout for the H3, it’ll write the H3 subsection according to a specific formatting. The goal is for ZimmWriter to use a similar product layout for any products you’re discussing.

So instead of following your “Enable Lists” and “Enable Tables” options further down the menu, ZimmWriter will nudge the AI using the “Product Layout Prompt” to get a similar format for any subheading with the product layout option triggered.

Default formatting for a product layout is as follows:

  • Two paragraphs (before skinny paragraphs kicks in) and not affected by length settings
  • A recommendation of who the product is best for.
  • Pros about the product
  • Cons about the product

Make sense?

Just remember, when you choose this option, you should provide some background info about the product. You can either copy-paste up to 500 words or a product URL.

An additional feature of the trigger product layout button is that it now auto-creates a call to action button at the bottom of the subsection if a URL was present in the subheading URL box. In addition, if Scraping Surgeon was activated and you had a string to append set inside Scraping Surgeon (e.g., your Amazon affiliate tag) then it will be automatically appended onto the end of the URL inside the call to action button!

Note: The “trigger product layout” checkbox only appears for subheadings that are not “transitions” (a transition is a subheading that has an immediate child, so a H2 subheading is a transition when a H3 immediately follows).

Subheading Option – URL for Scraping (optional)

The next option you’ll see when you enable subheading background is an input field that says “URL for Scraping”.

Instead of manually typing in your background information in the “background info” box, you can instead enter a single URL into this box for the AI to scrape. After scraping, it will populate the background box with the scraped information.

If you choose to provide a URL, you have two options. You can press the “Start SEO Writer (With Scraping)” button (located at the bottom of the menu) to scrape every URL and begin writing the article without giving you an opportunity to review the scrape and summary.

Or, you can click the ‘Only Scrape URLs’ button, allowing ZimmWriter to just scrape the URLs and create a summary without starting the article. This option lets you review the scraped summaries for accuracy.

Note: The URL is only scraped when the “background info” box discussed below is empty.

Subheading Option – URL for Image (optional)

You’ll also see an option to specify a URL for an image to be used for this subheading.

You can specify the image URL manually.

ZimmWriter will also auto-populate this with an image that it scraped from the prior “URL for scraping” box if a Scraping Surgeon profile is assigned to the domain and an image CSS class/id has been tagged in Scraping Surgeon.

ZimmWriter does a few things when you specify a URL. It will:

  • Download the image to your output folder directory
  • Rename the image file
  • Insert the URL in the text file for the subsection
  • Upload the image to WordPress
  • Assign the image to the uploaded WordPress post and insert it into the article

Subheading Option – Background Info that the AI Doesn’t Know About (optional)

It functions just like the global background, but on a subheading by subheading level. Set a background for an H2, and it’ll only apply to that H2. Similarly, set a background for an H3, and it’ll only apply to that specific H3.

However, unlike the global background input box, which has a limit of around 1,000 words, each subheading background is limited to about 500 words. But don’t worry, it works hand-in-hand with the global background.

The subheading background is designed for seeding the AI with knowledge on:

  • Niche subjects
  • Products
  • Current events
  • Business specific information
  • Anything else the AI does not have deep knowledge about

It is not intended for:

  • Prompting the AI
  • Providing keywords you want the AI to use
  • Providing nonsense outside the scope of knowledge on the subheading that the AI would not already know

H2 / H3 / H4

Indicate your subheadings in the provided input boxes. When you first launch the SEO Blog Writer, you’ll only see H2 input boxes. However, to the right of each H2 input box, there’s another input box labeled ‘+H3’ with a zero. By adjusting this number and then clicking elsewhere on the menu to refresh, you can include H3s in your blog post.

Similarly, you can do this for H4s, which is the practical limit for nesting within ZimmWriter.

Using AI to Automatically Generate Your H3 and H4

ZimmWriter now lets you use AI to create your H3 and H4 subheadings. But here’s the kicker – it operates a bit differently (and way better) than the competition.

Here is how you activate automatic H3 and H4:

  1. Start by generating your H2 subheadings
  2. Find the +H3 to the right of a particular subheading, and add the number of H3 you want
  3. Press enter
  4. Press the magical “+S” button that appeared to the right of the +H3
  5. Smile

I’m really loving the way this thing works. It’s pretty cool how you can auto-generate as few as one or as many as 25 subheadings, depending on what you need! And if you’re not happy with the result, no problem – you can just re-generate the whole set.

It’s insanely versatile!

And hey, for those who are curious, it absolutely does consider your global background and any provided subheading background!

H2 Section Length

The current options include tiny, short, medium, and long.

The default setting is short, but some people prefer medium. I find that very few use tiny or long.

But… and this is the biggest butt you’ve ever seen according to Sir Mix-a-Lot.

Selecting one or more of these options can cause the AI not to obey your length settings:

  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Auto Style
  • Write in the Style of
  • Auto Keywords
  • Manual Keywords

So if you find yourself selecting a length of short + all of those options, don’t be surprised when each subsection is long.


You have five choices for voice inside of ZimmWriter:

  • Second Person (You, Your, Yours)
  • First Person Singular (I, Me, My, Mine)
  • First Person Plural (We, Us, Our)
  • Third Person (He, She, It, They)
  • Professional (which tries to avoid personal pronouns)

As with anything, your mileage will vary.

Moreover, the titles of your article titles and subheadings can occasionally override your chosen voice settings.

For instance, suppose you were writing an article about “how to wash a dog,” and one of your subheadings was “dry your dog.” Even if you choose a professional voice, the AI might still use personal pronouns due to the inclusion of “your” in the subheading title.

Besides titles influencing voice, another significant factor that affects voice is the article’s subject matter.

The AI’s been trained on a bunch of different articles. But I can pretty much guarantee that most medical journal articles had a professional tone, while most baby blogs were written in a more personal, first person tone. So, if you try to mix it up and make the AI write a baby blog using a professional voice, you’ll probably end up with not-so-great results.

Enable Literary Devices

Literary devices is one of my favorite things in ZimmWriter.

They are like tools in a carpenter’s workshop. Just as a carpenter uses various tools to create a beautiful piece of furniture, a writer uses different literary devices to create a piece of writing that is both meaningful and enjoyable.

So what is a literary device?

I just used one! I used a metaphor to explain literary devices.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.

Here are just a few of the many different types of literary devices:

  • Metaphor: A comparison between two seemingly unrelated things, suggesting that one is like the other.
  • Simile: A comparison between two things using the words “like” or “as.”
  • Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity.
  • Personification: The attribution of human characteristics or emotions to non-human objects or animals.
  • Hyperbole: Exaggeration for emphasis or humor.
  • Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate or resemble the sounds they describe.
  • Irony: A contrast between expectations and reality, often used to create humor or emphasize a point.
  • Foreshadowing: Hints or clues about what will happen later in a story.
  • Symbolism: The use of objects, characters, or events to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
  • Allusion: A reference to another work of literature, person, or event, often used to add depth or meaning to the text.

Overall, ZimmWriter has the capability to select from 500 distinct variations of literary devices randomly while composing an article. All that is required is ticking the checkbox!

Enable Lists

Lists are an easy concept to understand. When you choose this option, ZimmWriter will randomly insert bullet point and numbered lists into your article.

The probability of a list appearing in a subheading is approximately 40%. However, if a table (see below) is selected, then the list will not be included as well in the same subheading.

In addition, ZimmWriter does not generate lists within H4 elements or transitional headings, such as headings that have a direct child subheading (e.g., no possibility for a list in an H2 that has a direct child H3).

Enable Tables

With ZimmWriter’s table options, you can effortlessly insert markdown tables into your random subheadings. Though there’s only a 30% chance of this happening, it’s still a pretty neat feature to have, especially when you’re working on longer blog posts.

What’s even cooler is that these tables are generated in markdown format. You can easily convert them into proper HTML tables with the click of a button. You can use either:

  1. Use Gutenberg editor in WordPress and paste the table into a new post or page. Gutenberg will automatically convert the markdown table to an actual table. Sometimes the AI might have glitched in creating the table, but it works 99% of the time.
  2. Use an online markdown converter such as…
    • https://dillinger.io/
    • https://markdown-it.github.io/
    • https://markdowntohtml.com/
    • https://alldocs.app/convert-multi-markdown-to-word-docx


The FAQ option will cause ZimmWriter to generate five frequently asked questions and then answer those questions.

You can choose either a short or long answer FAQ.

When ZimmWriter generates the FAQ:

  • Any manual keywords are not used in the FAQ
  • Automatic keywords are used if that option is checked
  • Global background is used if provided

Enable Midjourney Prompt for Each H2

Midjourney is hands-down the best AI image generator out there.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t have an API right now, so you’ve got to generate images manually.

You can find YouTube videos on how to start using Midjourney, but let me tell you, it’s not a fun process. You’ll need to create an account on their website and then use a chat platform called Discord to generate your images inside a chat channel.

It’s a pain, but once you’ve got the hang of it, it’s simple.

They’ve got a free plan, but it’s pretty limited. I’d recommend getting a paid plan if you want better quality images and need to generate a lot each month.

ZimmWriter can whip up a prompt to generate a Midjourney image for your article. It works a lot like an OpenAI prompt (or a magic command). But if you enable the Midjourney prompt for each H2, ZimmWriter will also generate an AI image prompt for each H2 subheading.

Enable Key Takeaways

The key takeaway feature is pretty awesome. When you choose it, ZimmWriter completes the main parts of the article, then reads what it has written and identifies key points. However, if you’ve provided a global background section, it might extract highlights from that instead of the article itself. It all depends.

Key takeaways are always generated using GPT 3.5 Turbo, so for every 1,000 words in your article, it’ll add about $0.0026 to the cost, which is negligible. The only real impact it has on the article is the extra generation time.

Is it worth including? It depends on your use case and preferences.

Disable Skinny Paragraphs

Usually, AI enjoys churning out big, chunky paragraphs with 4-5 sentences. With brief, simple prompts, you might get shorter paragraphs, but it gets tough as the prompts become more complex.

The issue with these huge paragraphs is that they make online reading a pain. That’s where skinny paragraphs come in. They’re enabled by default, and ZimmWriter uses them to break down the generated content into smaller pieces by sending it back to OpenAI and employing GPT 3.5 Turbo (since it’s super affordable). The goal here is not to lose any words – it’s not rewriting your text, just breaking up those hefty paragraphs.

If you’re not a fan of skinny paragraphs, no worries – just choose the option to disable them.

Disable Active Voice

The disable active voice option should be self explanatory.

Passive voice: The website was optimized for SEO by our marketing team last month.

In passive voice, the subject (the website) receives the action (was optimized) performed by the agent (our marketing team). The focus is on the object and the action done to it.

Active voice: Our marketing team optimized the website for SEO last month.

In active voice, the subject (our marketing team) performs the action (optimized) on the object (the website). The focus is on the subject and its action.

Writing using the active voice is a better choice for reader engagement because it creates clearer and more direct sentences. In active voice, the subject performs the action, making it easier for readers to understand who is doing what. This clarity allows readers to follow the narrative or argument more easily, ensuring better comprehension and deeper engagement with the content.

Furthermore, active voice often results in shorter and more concise sentences, which are generally more appealing to readers. As a result, the reader is more likely to remain interested and invested in the text, fostering a more engaging reading experience.

Disable Conclusion

Some people don’t want a conclusion. This option disables it.

Enable Image API

You can now connect an Image API to ZimmWriter and auto download relevant images for your blog posts. You can even have ZimmWriter auto-upload them to WordPress as featured images!


You can now connect WordPress to ZimmWriter and auto-upload finished blog posts!

YouTube Videos (Requires ScrapeOwl)

Use this option to have ZimmWriter find up to three videos on YouTube related to your article and insert links to those videos inside your article.

If it finds relevant YouTube videos, it will add ones in the first, third, and fifth H2.

What can you do with the YouTube video URLs that ZimmWriter generates?

It is entirely up to you.

Some people create hyperlinks from the URLs and add them into their article.

Others choose to embed them into their article using the YouTube embed feature.

As for cost, at the time of writing this, each video that ZimmWriter finds costs 5 ScrapeOwl credits. It costs that much because on the backend ZimmWriter uses the render_js option for ScrapeOwl.

Audience Personality

Though the industry might refer to it as “brand archetype,” I prefer calling it “audience personality.”

Audience personality is all about the vibe your readers get when they read one of your articles in your niche. Let’s suppose your blog is about motorcycles. In that case, the personality of your audience for that niche should be the “Outlaw.”

The Outlaw craves revolution, partly to make the world a better place and partly for the chaos it brings. They can’t stand rules, regulations, or anything that takes away their freedom of choice (or anyone else’s). At their core, they’re good people, but anger fuels them, and it can take over. Without a battle, they’re lost.

So, what happens when you choose the audience personality option in ZimmWriter? Well, ZimmWriter will work its magic to write in a style that subtly appeals to that personality. It’ll get those readers’ emotions going as they make their way through your article.

Want to know more about the different audience personalities (brand archetypes)? Check out this link: https://iconicfox.com.au/brand-archetypes/

Write in the Style of ___

For an article titled “How to Rank Higher on Google” I input “Brian Dean” (creator of backlinko.com). ZimmWriter asks the AI how someone like that would write, and the AI said: Informative, Analytical, Comprehensive. ZimmWriter will then apply that as a style as it writes the article.

Another example for the same article “How to Rank Higher on Google” I input “a 5th grade reading level” ZimnmWriter asks the AI how someone like that would write, and the AI said: Simple language, Short sentences, Clear structure.

See how it works?

Use Auto Style

The auto style option is kind of like the ‘Write in the Style of’ option, but it starts by asking the AI who would be the most trustworthy person to write about the article.

Once it figures it out, it then asks how they would write and uses that as a guide. So basically, it’s like getting a pro to write the article without actually having a pro do it. Pretty cool, right?

For an article titled “How to Rank Higher on Google” the AI said that a “SEO Specialist or Digital Marketing Manager” would be most trusted to write on that subject.

For an article titled “Best Children’s Books for Fourth Graders” the AI said that a “Children’s Book Reviewer or Children’s Literature Specialist” would be most trusted to write on that subject.

Non-English Language

When you use ZimmWriter to write SEO blog posts, make sure that 100% of your input is in English. If you fail to do this, your output will end up being a mix of languages.

But you can use the non-English input box to have the AI write the output in another language. Just enter the name of the language you want.

However, keep in mind that the quality of the output may vary. ChatGPT may give great results when using non-English input because all of the prompts are in that language, but ZimmWriter’s prompts are in English.

I’m excited for the day when I can translate my prompts into different languages so that even more people can enjoy the highest quality possible with ZimmWriter. Unfortunately, that won’t happen until after I release the Mac version. So for now, just make sure to keep your input in English to get the best results!

Automatic Keywords + # KW Per Section

If you want some help with your writing, you can use the automatic keywords feature. This AI tool will come up with a few long tail keywords to use in your H2, H3, H4, and FAQ sections. You can choose how many keywords you want per section, but I suggest keeping it between 3-5 for the best results. If you use too many, it might sound a bit forced, especially if your content length setting is short.

It’s important to note that these keywords are not for SEO purposes. The AI knows what SEO is, but it can’t generate SEO keywords. If you ask for SEO keywords, it will give you related keywords, but without search volume data. Any search volume data would be a hallucination.

So, what’s the point of automatic keywords? Well, think of them as conversation starters. Each long tail keyword can inspire the AI to take your writing in a new direction. It’s a great tool to help you brainstorm and organize your thoughts.

Finally, I think I already mentioned this, but it’s worth repeating. ZimmWriter uses whatever model you pick to generate the automatic keywords, unless you give it a global or subsection background. In that situation, ZimmWriter uses GPT 3.5 Turbo just for the automatic keyword determination. It can save you a lot of money since automatic keywords is called for each heading subsection when enabled.

Manual Keywords + # KW Per Section

If you want the AI to write your blog post using specific keywords, you can use the manual keyword option. You can input up to 150 keywords, either as a comma separated list or with each keyword on a new line. However, it’s crucial to understand how the “# of keywords per section” setting affects manual keywords.

Let me give you two examples:

Example 1

15 total subheadings (a mix of H2, H3, H4)

100 keywords supplied

7 keywords per subheading

Uses 7 keywords per subheading. Each time a keyword is used, it’s removed from the mix and ZimmWriter never tells the AI to use it again. While the AI might use it again, ZimmWriter no longer prompts the AI to use it. But, 7 x 15 = 105 keywords. So in the final subheading section, only 5 keywords will be available for use.

Example 2

15 total subheadings (a mix of H2, H3, H4)

15 keywords supplied

5 keywords per subheading

Uses 5 keywords in subheading 1 (leaving 10 remaining), 5 keywords in subheading 2 (leaving 5 remaining), and 5 keywords in subheading 3 (leaving 0 remaining). No keywords are used in subheadings 4-15.

Additional Notes About Manual Keywords

When it comes to using manual keywords, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Manual keyword sorting/ordering in the text box does not matter because the AI determines which keywords to put with which subheadings
  • AI is like a hammer that can put round pegs in square holes; so you need to at least clean your KW list to ensure they are relevant to the topic and subheadings
  • Manual keywords don’t apply to the FAQ section.
  • There are no strict usage rules for manual keywords.
  • It’s best to stick to long-tail keywords instead of one-word keywords.
  • Using manual or automatic keywords with global or subsection backgrounds can negatively impact the quality of the background section.

Personally, I recommend avoiding the use of keywords altogether when providing background information.

AI Model

GPT 3.5 Turbo is the cheapest AI model, costing only $0.002 (which is like 1/5th of a penny) for around 300-700 words. If you’re using the background sections, I definitely suggest going with this model because as of ZimmWriter version 7, the quality is seriously incredible. So, yeah, definitely give it a try!

Davinci (i.e., GPT 3.5) is the middle of the road AI model. It’s priced at $0.02 (so 10x more than Turbo) and seems to have a wider vocabulary than Turbo.

Everyone’s talking about GPT-4 but man, it’s seriously pricey. It’s kinda tricky to explain the pricing ’cause OpenAI charges different rates for the data that goes into GPT-4 and the data it spits out. Essentially, feeding 1,000 tokens into GPT-4 costs $0.03 (that’s like 300-700 words) and getting the same amount of output costs $0.06. It’s safe to assume that whatever the article cost using Davinci will cost 3x more using GPT-4.

To use GPT-4 with your API, you have to apply to the waitlist and get approved. Keep in mind that having GPT-4 access inside ChatGPT Plus is totally different from having access to GPT-4 API. You can find the waitlist here: https://openai.com/waitlist/gpt-4-api

Final Options

So, at the bottom of the SEO Blog Writer in ZimmWriter, you’ll find some buttons. These are the final options that you can use to process your article.

Start SEO Writer (with Scraping)

ZimmWriter will scrape any URLs in your global background and subheading sections and start writing the article assuming all the scrapes were successful. The good part is you don’t have to wait for the scrape to finish. You can leave your desk and go do other things in life. The downside is that you can’t review the scrapes. Note that you can also start writing an article using this button even if you don’t have any URLs to scrape.

Start SEO Writer (no Scraping)

Use this option if you want ZimmWriter to write your article but not scrape any provided URLs. Why? Well, I’ve found that some people like to provide a URL or two in the various background sections in hopes the AI uses it as a reference.

Only Scrape URLs

Want ZimmWriter to scrape all the URLs you gave, but don’t want to start writing right away? No problem! You can use this option to review each scraped result for accuracy and make any necessary edits. The only downside is that you’ll have to wait for the scrapes to finish and do some manual editing. However, if you want a top-notch article, it’s totally worth it!

Erase All Settings in Menu

Use this option to erase all your input data and start with a clean slate.

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